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I wanna give to life…

Coffin and Wings

Courtesy: TattooSpotter

“I wanna give to life the man that I am…”

This is something I wrote in my dark days, the dark ways coming through. Hurt, cynical, and obviously, had lost faith in all-whole (temporarily, of course)… Read on, and I will reveal more. 🙂

“As I fly high with my arms wide open and shield the world under my wings, my docile self learns that his arms are being bent to his chest, a rose nestled in his grip; and being reduced to the very bone, the same world feeds on what remains of him!”

I had a distinct image of a man in his coffin, holding a rose, and that image kept hitting me back. This man was remorseful, remorseful of the good he did, he didn’t seek appreciation for it all, but he didn’t expect a throw-down from his beneficiaries.

Now when I look back at that time, I don’t feel so strongly regretful. I feel ‘that-too-had-to-pass’ kind of a feeling. It made me stronger. But, that moment was just this. This guilt of the right. And one day, I wish to sketch the exact image I saw. That man, faceless, yet with eyes that hurt and cried. His body that lay still, yet the grip was so tight, as if it was holding back it’s emotions.

And as I share, I will smile. And I will emerge victorious, as I get over it. The victory over defeat. Forgive and Forget. Move On. Will you? 🙂

Less > Enough

Less is more than enough

Role-Play for Self
Courtesy: Peter Marinacci/ Wombania

Coming from a compulsive hoarder like me, this seems out of ordinary, out of line, and wayyy out of the zone of all things believable; yet I say LESS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH.

As I ransacked my cabinets and drawers in a bid to turn them around, I found my unused, unabused, packed, unattacked stack of goods which didn’t live the life they were set out to.

I own 4 pairs of flat black boots and a pair of black Converse, and these are just black. I wear only 1 pair for months on end, and let the others rot. Awesome boots – down the drain. 😦 Less > Enough.

I took the whole cake for myself, when I only wanted a small portion. Unwanted calories, only make my fight against gravity even tougher.

So, #NoteToSelf, let go of that silly voice in your head. What you don’t have is probably also what you don’t need. The silly little voice will remain little,it will make you scream, cry, hound you like the devil inside. Those are withdrawal symptoms, child. No, put that second chocolate down. Yes, and return that pink pen.

Less is indeed more than enough.